Friday, January 30, 2009

Logically Illogical

G-d wants us to know Him. But one can not know anyone if they are overcome by their greatness, so He hid Himself from us, in order that we may find Him and get to know Him and His greatness.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

All My Needles

The hour, near 1800, January 29 2009. Q sits preparing to knit. Step one, pull off the cute little point protector socks. When lo, a resounding snap is heard to echo through the room!(It actually did echo.) Looking down, the young knitter discovers, to her horror the tip of her needle has snapped right in half. A cry of shock an alarm emanate from her mouth, WOE! for she was truly doing so very well with this project of lace. Alas, to the great series of tubes she must venture and purchase for herself a new set in the hopes that it will arrive soon. For then, and only then, will she be able to take up, once again, this shawl of lace.

The good news is I bought all that other yarn, so I will not be with out knitting while I wait. The only question is, what shall I make?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reunion, a Day in the Life

Winter break, the best time of the year. Not because there is no school, but because it's time for the Family Reunion. Upon arrival at Bubby's there were cookies to be found in big Tupperware containers atop the china cabinet. If it's a cookie, you could find it, peanut butter, Oatmeal Raisin, Brownies, and of course the famous chocolate chip. Don't worry that they will run out, there are more in the garage(if the grandkids sleeping in there didn't eat them all for a midnight snack). And hey, Bubs will always pick a couple of grandkids and make more.
After cookies, it's bed time. But who's sleeping where with whom? After many minutes of arguing it always ends up the same, the little ones in the play room, #9 and #10 in the office, #1 and #4 in the Den, the boys in the garage. If we're all really quite, we can hear the adults playing Trivial Pursuit in the dining room.

When morning finally rolls around(not before 0800) Grampy can be found eating half a grapefruit and a bowl of shredded wheat with equal. There's a choice of sugar cereals for anyones taste on the second self of the pantry, and cookies for desert. If you want to read the paper, just make sure you put it back EXACTLY the way you found it, cause that's Bubby's paper.

What's to be done in the warm winter sunshine at Bubby's? Bike riding and tree climbing of course! Don't worry if you don't know how, #1 would be happy to teach you on the yellow banana seat. But you can't cross any streets. Fancy a climb in the tree? There's a chair on the porch you can use to climb up, but don't go too high, and take turns on the swing or you'll go inside. Or maybe football suits you better. The boys and Uncles have a game going in the street. Just make sure you close the door so as not to let the dog out.

Lunch is made of left overs, and of course cookies for dessert, but put your can of soda in a cup. After lunch maybe we'll colour with Grampy, or do a puzzle. There's all kinds of things to do to avoid the homework assigned of break. But don't worry about that, Uncle Lenny will write a note to your teachers.

After lunch we'll just hang out, maybe do art with Grampy, or play fetch with the dog, but everything stops at 3 o'clock for Beaver and Bonanza. Everything that is except making cookies or dinner.

After a delicious dinner of Lasagna(the trick is to spatula around the sides), or maybe Bert made chicken and biscuits, it's time for more cookies, or some other good desert. But only if your hands and plate are clean. And then let's all head into the den for sweatshirts, but first, sound-off!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Four rows, droped stitch

The most frustrating thing about knitting around people and messing up is how freaked and flailed they get when you take it out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lace, Take Four

Yesterday I finished the garter rows and started the cool lacy pattern bit. But..It was off, so I figured that I had cast on too many. Simple enough to take it out and do it again, which is what I did. Then today as i got to the lace bit I realized that no, the problem was that I had done the YO,K2Tog wrong and was actually YO, K1 K2Tog which of course would through it all off.

Well, onward I go doing it correctly this time, except now I have too few stitches. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I'm purling to many on the repeat or something. Either way, I set off take out the row in an attempt to do it again, when what should happen but a stitch drop. All the way to the bottom. So here I go, starting over, again.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm Broke

I went to the yarn store on Thursday. I was only going to get yarn for this next project, really. Its not my fault that, well. There is this funny thing about shopping, and yarn in particular. You find something that is just so very awesome, and you put it in your basket, and then you find another as you make your way to the counter. Well, by the time you actually make it to the counter you end up spending 140$. oops. But they are exciting yarns, see?

Wait...what was that in the that...Doctor Who Yarn?!!?!

It was just..there. With all the colours combined. I had to have it. Ideas of what I should make?

Anyway, I have started my new project, a fancy shawl. I had a couple of false starts with it, having all 97 stitches cast-on, and a row or two knit and then dropping the first cast-on stich. grrr. Vas-eva'

This is much different then the other things I did, not only because I'm using a flancy pattern, but it's lace. And you know what? It's slippery and does not want to stay wrapped on my finger nicely, cause it is so thin. But I think I am getting it.

Here's a question though. It says to garter stitch for 18 rows. Do I count the cast-on as one of those 18?

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I'm Qtap, and I'm a knitter.

Based on the evidence, I do believe I am addicted to knitting. See for yourselves and decide.

I learned to cast and knit a day or two before leaving for New York and have since learned to purl, and yarn over. I have made a scarf and baby blanket, and am working on attempting a headband. What am I doing right now instead of sleeping? Looking at a vid on how to do an SSK. I spent 70$ on needles, and am planing on taking a 25$ class on pattern reading. Not only that but I went out and purchased a new bag/purse what have you in order that I could carry my knitting with me, as my old one was not big enough to do so. Looking at my bookmarks bar, one would find a brand new folder labeled knitting full of blogs, and folders each for patters and yarn shops/sites, my email and computer also contain such folders.

That and I seem to knit left handed which is causing some difficulty in learning new stitches from a friend/classmate. I keep getting confused!!

ETA: This problem has been fixed by learning the stitch from her right handed, reviewing on and then taking it all out and doing it correctly via my left hand.