Last night during Intermission of the production, whilst scrambling around to change I discovered, much to my annoyance, one of my purple paper clips had fallen off my needle. Well, everyone of course thought I was crazy as I went off searching for a purple paper clip. They did not understand, all but one women who was part of an event in the next room. She understood my plight of having to use a blue paper clip.
You see, rather then buy spendy stitch markers, I opt for the equally pretty multicoloured paper clips, which work just as well if not better, Not only are they less expensive, but they are disposable as well. Well, I hear you say, if they are so disposable, what was with the fretting? I'll tell you. I was at production, and only on stage for a short period of time, which means, KNITTING! That and I was to knit in one of the scenes, anyway. Now, I could just go and grab a new purple paper clip from my iPod Case-O-Knitting, however, there were none. I used the blue one, but as soon as I got home switched it for a purple one. All is right with the world again.
Back to the women who didn't think I was crazy. A fellow knitter! Usernames were exchanged, and I am now in touch with her, and hopefully through here some other locals. Wooo.
And now! What you have all been waiting for! ...Yeah, not feeling *that* dramatic, it's really not that exciting. Let me tell you about the Candle Flame Shawl.
I started over again. Now, before y'all gasp and flail, breath. It's no big, really. I know you probably don't believe me, due to my last post on the subject, but it's the truth. I think the reason I was so frustrated before was not the fact of my work being for naught, because really, I don't feel that it was, rather it was that I was attempting to learn all the new stitches, the maths of them and could not get it to work. However, now that I understand it and it works, It doesn't bother me that I need to go back. I was only one and a half repeats in anyway. As well, I wasn't so happy with the whole border thing, it looked odd to me, so I edited it a bit. Much happier now.
3 weeks ago