Sunday, March 29, 2009


I dropped a stitch. Which, normally, whatever. But no. This had to be one of those weird complicated increase/decrease stitches of doom, four rows below my working row. So I have absolutely no way to pick the darned things up and put them back where they belong. And of course, I hadn't moved my lifeline after I finished the last repeat so I have to take all of that out too.

And I was so excited to be working with the purple.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Did You Look at the Sky Today?

Based on Rabbi Pape

Clouds over Highway 100

Sh'ma. It's just a small word, nothing special. We say it everyday 'when we wake up and when we lay down' with out fail, but do any of us truly know what it is, what these three little letters really mean?

Typically translated as 'hear', the more archaic 'hark' rings closer to the truth. Soo Maaraya Aynaichem. Three letters, three words. Lift up your eyes. The word itself holds so much meaning just on it's own, but when put in context, we see much more.

Sh'ma Yisroel, Hashem Elokainu, Hashem Echad. Lift up your eyes, Isreal, Hashem is G-d, Hashem is one.

On the surface the words tell us the same as they do if translated the traditional way. But if we looking deeper there is a stronger message. Lift up your eyes, Israel. See the wonders of the world, the sun, the moon the clouds. Be awed by the beauty that is contained with in them, but know Hashem is G-d. Hashem is One, it is His greatness you are seeing. He alone has the power to create such things, and with out Him and His infinite kindness none of it(including us) would exist.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


May one go back in time and kill Hitler before the war?

If we were to throw out all SpaceTime Continuum issues, the question is doubly potent.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What is This Thing?

There is this amazing thing they have here in New York. There is a period of a few months where, for some reason, the weather takes a turn for the unexpected and pops out the most peculiar temperatures. These temperatures range anywhere from Winter to Construction When It's Really Warm, to Construction of Wow That's Hot. I'm told this is called 'Spring'. It's rather fascinating.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't cross in the middle, in the middle in the middle of the street.

Well, there I was, standing on the corner waiting for the light to change when someone walking past told me I could cross.
A gesture at the red LED hand on the monster, if you could call it that.
"Oh, they don't enforce that here in New York City, go ahead."
Stares I, aghast at the man. "But, you're a cop!"
A slight shrug.
"That's just wrong. On so many levels. Oh that is just wrong."
He shrugged again and continued on his way as I stood and waited for the light. When the light changed, I crossed and continued on my way, looking every so often across the street at Officer Paccolli with a shocked expression. About half way down the block, I just couldn't help it.
"Let me ask you something." I called over to him.
He walked over. "Yeah?"
"If they didn't enforce murder in New York City, could I go around killing people?"

The conversation continued, and in the end he wondered if I was a lawyer of some sort.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Journey is a Destination

It is interesting to watch people on the subway. Rushing to be sure not to miss the train and then standing impatiently on the side of the track as they wait for it to finally come. And then, when it does there is the mad pushing to get on and grab a seat. Fast as can be the eyes glaze over and the world is tuned out either through headphones, sleep or just drifting off. I'll admit I do it myself sometimes, listing to my headphones, sometimes you just crave music.

I can't help but wonder what these people are thinking as the sit there on the train, rushing from Point A to Point B. It's not only on the trains though, it's everywhere. When people walk, drive and fly. All of it, it seems so much of the time that there is a sense of Null Time when one travels from A to B.

But that is not the case. There is Time. More then Time there is Beauty, People, Things. Riding on the bus does not have to be time used to study, but one can look out the window, or at the people and see the wonder of the world, and He that created it. Just going somewhere is a destination of it's own.