Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What is religion? Is it a state of being, a way of life, a form of organization perhaps? In some ways it is all of the above. At least that is how it has found it's self these days.

Originally though, at it's core, religion is a search. It's a hard question, buried in tradition and seemingly archaic lifestyles, but for all true believers it is the same one. What is the meaning of it all, why are we here. Though I hate to admit it, 42 just isn't the answer.

Religion shows us that it's not about me, not even about us for that matter. There is something more, bigger and greater than all this and that, that is what it's about. All those inconvenient, archaic traditions? Those are just there to help us tap into the fact of it all.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Overwhelming weekend, I should say. Rambler and I have decided to get married.

It's an interesting and exciting thought. In just a few months time my life will be nothing as it ever was before. I can't quite say yet what my thoughts on the mater are, though I am quite excited, and just a bit overwhelmed.

The mass texting is starting to get to me as well, which in the regard why is it that the first thing every one asks is when the wedding is? Is this something we are supposed to have decided the very day we get engaged? I think not. Give us time to plan people! Also, why are the female members of the population much more into the mass mazel toving than the male? It's interesting to ponder.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Reverse SSS

There is a common phenomena amongst knitting folk called Second Sock Syndrome, or the intense dislike of making the second sock of a pair. There are many reasons for contracting this horrid disease, the underling cause oft is unknown.

In my case though, I have not Second Sock Syndrome, I am enthralled with the second sock. In fact I so much prefer it to the first I would like to be rid of it(the first sock that is.)

This first sock has given me so much greif, and though it clames to be done, it's not. Far from, in fact. First was the problem of the foot being to short, and the heal being wrong, and having to redo that twice. Now I finally did get all the leg done, with the funky lace bit going up the side, though you can't really see it in pictures. And still, it refuses to be done. There is the problem that calves are a bit thicker around than ankles, so it's a bit snug round those parts, but it will work. Except around the cuff.

I worked a rib in an effort to prevent problems to no avail, so out that had to go. Let me tell you, it is rather bothersome to take out a sew bind-off on a 3x3 rib done on US1, but did it I did. The needles were increased to US5 thinking that would work, and it did, the cuff fit much better. Until the bind off. It was still too tight, though less so than before. Out again. This time I shall increase every other stitch i think and use the standard bind-off. Maybe than it will work.

If not, well, I don't know what to do. I don't want to cut off Miss Death's circulation, but...

The second sock though, it is coming along wonderfully. The foot is just about done, needing only an inch or so more, less I think. Moreover I'm liking the pooling of the colours much better on this one. They are rather more stripy unlike the first which is a splotchy diagonal blob. Hard to describe, I'll have to add pictures later. Point is, the second sock is very awesome.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Has It Come To This?

There I was sitting on the plane knitting a sock to the tunes of some good old fashioned chassidishe musser when I looked up and the guy across the aisle is reading the paper. Fairly typical. However, the headline? 'I had a meeting in the Bath.' Now, I admit that I did not read the article, so can't say for sure, but I think it is a safe guess that it had something to do with the middle aged women whose picture was prominatly dispayed having some form of meeting whilst submersed in that vital fluid of life we call water.

And I wonder, is this what our society has come to? The headline article of a section of News is regarding ones feeling free enough to meet people in the nude? Are there not enough other more homely things to talk about in the Home section of the local paper? Are there not things about which people care more? Is there a reason people care about this?