For a few months now, I've been caring for my Alix's cat. (Yes, the Alix with the baby that has no name.) He is the cutest, most annoyingly lovable cat I have yet to encounter. He is also the scarediest cat on the planet. I am not exaggerating. He is afraid of heights, and the dark, scared of the outside, and get super lonely. He also has a tendency to eat to fast and throw up.
Whilst living with us, though, he's gotten much better. He still cries when we turn the lights out and leave him in the living room for the night, but he's thrown up much less, and seems a little less scared. Today we went outside. Not outside, to The Great Outdoors, but outside the apartment. He's been trying to sneak out and explore as I leave for work for a few weeks, so today I took him.
I tried to have him wear his harness and leash, because he's fast. He was having none of it. The moment I put it on he looked at me as if to say 'What is this thing and why is it attached to me'. He would not leave the apartment, or even look at the door. Just stared at me with big sad eyes. The minute I took it off though, ZOOM he was out sniffing the neighbors shoes and checking out the mail box. Until my husband opened the door on his way back from Shul and scared the meow out. He almost cracked his head on the corner of the door trying to get in faster.
Maybe we'll practice a bit with the harness in the apartment and try for The Great Outdoors next week.
3 weeks ago