Here you can see the Greenway and Sunrise as I bike. Taking a picture while biking is a lot easier than one would think, oddly enough.
At this point I turned around because it started to rain, and while I don't mind the rain, tisn't so good for my bike.(It stopped some five minutes later)
On the way back it was a touch windy, and here you can see the white undersides of a tree's leaves as they blow. I was going for the contrast between the white and green, which was rather stunning, really. Alas, I had the camera set to auto, and not night as it should have been, considering how the lighting was on that side of the path. Well, at least I learned for some of my later shots.
The tracks, oh the tracks. Off in the distance you can see the water tower and Nordicware. Did you know that the NordicWare tower used to be a grain elevator? The first(and possibly only, I have no idea) concrete grain elevator, ever. ...I'm not really sure what BRT means, but I suspect it might have something to do with the bloody loud train whistle that they blow at midnight or two in the morning, or it might be letting them know that they are entering into a populated area and crossing a street, so they aught slow down a bit. The two might actually be related, come to think of it.
At this point I could have turned off and gone home, but I felt like going a bit more, and so continued on till the coffee factory.
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