A non-Jewish friend of mine, in Israel, was invited to Shabbos at the home of a new friend. This all came about when my friend stated a desire for Pizza and a movie. Her new friends have incorporated Pizza and Movie night into shabbos. From how I understand what she said, they watch a movie, light, and eat pizza for dinner. Now, while there is theoretically nothing wrong with this, and I know everyone does things differently...it just seems wrong to me. ..Of course, now I feel guilty and slightly sad for being semi-judgmental.
My friend then told me that the moshav is Modern Orthodox, and what is that? (Her only experience with Judaism is through Chabad, or there abouts.) ...How do you explain? Can you? On the other hand, what in one place is Modern Orthodox is Conservative in another, in one is Conservative, is Reform in another. ..Do we, as Jews, put to much emphasis on the labels and types of Jews we each are?
ETA It is not the Pizza, that I feel is 'wrong', I think. Non-traditional means are very cool. I myself had a non-traditional meal a few months back of veggie soup and tuna smaiches. I think it is the combination of a movie right before licht followed by pizza. It seems to me the wrong way to greet Shabbos. That is where I come from, saying I have been judgmental. Who I am to judge how you great and observe?
3 weeks ago
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