If you sort through the nonsense, you can see an apparently unintended point in TRS's most recant post.
We spend so much time fretting about The Future, trying to insure that it will be all that it can be, and more. Yet as The Future comes closer and closer it turns out that it is exactly the same as The Present, and in fact The Past, albeit with a bit more people. So, of course this must not be The Future, so life goes on as The Present with more hopes for The Future, and yet ever worsening music.
The thing is though, we have been doing this nearly forever. The real question about The Future is not so much what will it be like, rather, will we ever get there, and will we recognize it when we do.
3 weeks ago
ReplyDeleteComing from you, that means a lot.
ReplyDeleteHardly, but whatever.
ReplyDeleteYou underestimate yourself, good sir.
ReplyDeletewhy does no one mention the past?
ReplyDeleteno, we wont ever get there. its like a little kid saying, when ill be your age. but they will never get there, cuz we keep moving.
on a deeper note: life is being so rushed, that i doubt people would notice when the future hit them in the face.
and btw, trs says 'deep' on my blog lots of times. it just means that he cant be bothered to comment. which in turn means, he probably didnt read it.
Breaking my hachlata once again, but in fact I did read this, and I did think it was deep, thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteyoure very welcome. funny how i can convince u to break your hachlata.
ReplyDeletewell dont write 'deep' on my blog if u dont mean it. thats also breaking the hachlata.
People do mention the past. They talk about how good it was. So much so, sometimes it is hard to distinguish if people are extolling the virtues of the past, or the future.
ReplyDeleteTRS, what hachlata is this now?
no, sometimes they talk abt how bad the past was, and how they are glad to have moved on. or maybe they distort it, and what they are really saying is they wish it to be like that in the future.
ReplyDeletehis hachlata was to not get involved in pointless arguments, such as these. he's been pretty good abt it, i can testify to that. although he has the occasional slip ups...
ReplyDeletein his words 'Kol hamisnabel...'
By definition the future will never be the present (which is the same thing as saying the future will never come--assuming you mean come HERE---here being the present)
ReplyDeleteReally, it seems the only purpose which both the past and the future have, is to accomodate the present.
To be truly honest, there are very few things that confuse me more than the concept of TIME. Everything about it seems weird to me. Of whether it exists, how it exists, what it looks like, and what it is.
Nothing about time seems like it makes much sense to me. NOTHING