How many people ever think about what the potato? Very few, I should think. It is though, a most amazing plant.
Not only are there a plethora of potato types, but the growth process is astoundingly simple. A poato can be grow from a piece of another potato. Alternatively they, like all plats, have seeds. The amazing thing about their seeds though is the pouch in which they are formed/stored is toxic. They are in a vertual safe haven, neer to be desturbed until the time comes when they are ready to fall and rot in the ground, soon to grow to new plants. Environmentally, they don't need much, just some dirt and water, and even that is subjective to the type.
Though everyone always talks about the carb content of the tuber, they in fact contain nearly a daily dose of all essential vitamins and minerals. It's said that one could like on milk and potatoes and be rather healthy, thank you very much.
What's more, there are so many ways to eat a potato, mash em', fry 'em, stick 'em in a stew, eat them with fish and chips, to quote a few. There are endless ways to eat a potato on it's own, and when you start adding in other things, the sky really is the limit.
As for the Great Potato Famine, well, the cause? A lack of potatos. One of the main causes of potato death, aside from insufficient nutrition, is improper genetics. And if you only have one potato type that your mixing up there in Ireland, well, think hemophilia and other such type things in the Royals. It's not always so pretty.
Death aside, if there is any plant more amazingly G-d given, I can't think of it. Not now at any rate.
3 weeks ago
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