Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Be Wery Wery Quiet....

I reside near a rather busy street. Or what used to be one. Of late it has been very quiet. Not only here, but through out the Hieghts. Not mearly when counting decibles either. There is an air of quiet. One would think just the oposite, what with all the extra bochrim and Israelis. I can not help but wonder what's going on with this. Not that I'm complaining, mind.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And Now, with a Hook

I knit. It is my craft, and my passion. It would be a rare day that I would be found with out sticks and string. Also rare is for me to forget my pattern. Alas though, such an event occurred today. I was lost, and alone. Two hours left of school, and not a thing I could do fiber-wise. With out my pattern, I could not go on, for it was time to start a new increase row. Alas, I sat.

But then, a thought occurred to me. The girl next to me crochets. We have much fun with our fibers in class. At that moment though, she was not using her hook. Borrowing it, and some yarn, I discovered that yes, I still remember how to chain. After some time playing with it, and reviewing what could be done, I came up with this lovely thing.

Fetching little hat, no?

I don't know that it is done yet, nor what I shal do with it, but it is much fun. I think I will make a larger, head-sized one, provided I can remember what I did.

A slight problem though, as now I want to work on this hat thing, but must work on my veil, else it shan't be done. A dilema!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


When I was in elementray school, we were taought about Yom Kipper. That it is a day of forgiveness and repentance. THat G-d forgives us for everything we have done wrong, because He loves us. We were also told that one can only forgive the wrongs done to them, not others. Thus, any hurtful thing we may have done to our friends, or any of the human race must be forgiven by them. G-d doesn't have that power(He does, but that's another post.) We had to ask our friends to please forgive us. Even if we'd asked during the year and were told that yes, we were forgiven. We were very careful to do this, we really cared.

It seems though, that people don't any more. Not really. A handful of people will ask, and maybe some of them mean it. What changed? Why when we are children, and our behaviour excusable, do we care so much that our friends might be hurt, but as adults, when every action really has an affect, are we ambivalent?

Is it so hard to forgive? Sometimes. Sometimes though we say we forgive, we don't, not fully. But it is the start. That is what we are being asked to do. Start the process, G-d will take care of the rest.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fashonably Late

At a farbrengin this past week, I heard an interesting observation. Mashiach, as we all know is a very religious Jew. The most religios, one could say. And, as everyone knows, we Jews have a pentiont for being 'fashinobly late'. You all know the joke about the yekki that married a Lubavitcher...

Well, with all these observations combined, we can learn out that Mashiach is just doing what Jews do. Therefore, if we would stop being late, more over, on time, maybe he'd get here already.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blogger Adventures

Hung out with Sarabonne tonight. Adventures ensued.

Too much water + wonky oven = cake-y brownies


I am...Gustave.

In other news, I suspect I am allergic to New York.

Just Doctor

Yossi tagged me in one of those silly fun meme things. I don't normally do them, but, he thought I would come up with something crafty or creative. Little does he know...MWAHAHAAHAAH

Really though, being the compleate nerd that I am, I've given much thought over the years as to what super power I would have, would I be able to choose. Flying was a thought, what with it being so useful. The ability to go anywhere, on a whim is very tempting. The problem is though, that it is so limited. You can only fly so much before you get tired. Even Superman had to take a break sometime.

All in all, I've vetoed most of the common powers, for various reasons of impracticality, Speed, various forms of vision, excretions of an awesome and helpful nature, communications with nonhumanoids, you know all those fun things.

No, were I to be bitten by a radioactive insect and given the abilities to save the world, I would have to say that of all things, I would like to have the power to Lord over Time. Not in the traditional sense, mind. Not either of them for that matter. Rather, more a combination of the two. By this I mean the ability to see Time as it is, for what it is, and all the possibilities it can present, as well as the means to see as it was, with out affecting what is.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Crowd Goes Wild

Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellows and Friends,

We are gathered here today, at this most auspicious hour to crown ourselves a King. Not just any king will we crown though, for we are a stiff necked people, and our king must be kind and tolerant, loving, and just. This King whom we have chosen for ourselves is all these and more. The attributes possessed by this King are astounding and overwhelming, completely inconceivable in their awesomeness.

Our King who has wondered amongst us for the last month, free to all, has now come forth to take rightful place as Ruler of all things. Join me now, brothers and sisters as we crown our King, The L-rd G-d, Master of the Universe, for now, and all eternity! And let us together say, Amen.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Black Coats are Coming

Crown Heights is, by nature, a crowded place. A place full of people, Jews and non of all types. Now though, as Tishri comes, the holiest month of the year, many flock to see what's to be seen, and enjoy the festive atmosphere that can be found nowhere, but here. The crowded streets, the multilingual conversations. These and more draw in a crowd. More so then these 770 is a magnet for a strange and unique group. They flock in from all parts of the world, all different, and all the same. Here they come with the hopes of gaining insight and spirituality from the very streets and seats used by Chassidim through the years. They fill the streets in droves seeking food and longing, if need be, carrying their own sleeping utensils. They are...Bochrim! Multiplying by the minute, fueled by pizza, they farbreng till dawn!

Tishri, when Penguins Attack!
Coming now to a street near you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ani Ma'amin

Belief is an interesting thing. We all believe in G-d, at least we think we do. But what does it really mean? Rabbi Paltiel defined belief for me as accepting as true something that is beyond our comprehension. In this simple way, yes we do believe in G-d. We accept that G-d is. But shouldn't there be something more, a deeper belief, something stronger than simple acceptance?

English, I think does not have a good word to describe what it is that we feel/know about G-d. It is more then belief, it is faith and a heartfelt understanding that He is here, and is in charge.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fear the Yarn!

Yarn and Boro Park, apparently don't mix. Or maybe they do, just not in this way.

I went dress hunting, and as I am making my veil, it's rather vital that the one match the other, veil-side first. I've already started it, you see. Well, the Boro Parkers didn't see. That is to say, they saw, but found it the most baffling, insane concept in the history of knish.

Have you every tried to explain to a Boro Parker that yes, it will match, and yes, I am doing this, and no, you can't change my mind? All while surrounded by maybe seven of them, while wearing a big poofy white dress, and laughing? No, I didn't think you had, I have though, and it was fun.

Of course, there was the one women who knits(backward, mind you) who insisted I show her how I'm doing it, and teach her the stitch. She knit a gartel for her husband you see. Email addresses where exchanged, and more hilarity ensued.

All in all though, after handing over a piece of paper statign they can take my money, I left with a most awesome dress, and headed out for some ice cream.

A very good end, to an otherwise rather fantastic day.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Back in the Hieghts

I've forgotten how busy it is here. There is so much to do, so many people to see, and not nearly enough time to do it all.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

In sickness and in health


Is there a reason, by any chance, that you are vomitting so? I know it can not be a cry for attention, for I was paying you plenty of attention before you started this most frustrating of habbits. And it can not possibly be an attempt to get me to play with you, for, you might notice, not only was I playing with you before, but I ma now ratehr reluctant to do so. You see, Yarn, when you vomit as you have been doing, it is not only very difficult to wind and therefor knit you, but it also gets you all knotty and full of fiber snags. You don't want that do you? No, I didn't think so. Why don't you stop spewing your guts so we can go on as we were, good freinds from now till the end? It just frusterates me so when you act like this. You must know, I am sorely tempted to simply pack you up and not deal with you until we get to New York. This is simply not the kind of behavior I expect from a yarn of your character. It's not fitting.
