When I was in elementray school, we were taought about Yom Kipper. That it is a day of forgiveness and repentance. THat G-d forgives us for everything we have done wrong, because He loves us. We were also told that one can only forgive the wrongs done to them, not others. Thus, any hurtful thing we may have done to our friends, or any of the human race must be forgiven by them. G-d doesn't have that power(He does, but that's another post.) We had to ask our friends to please forgive us. Even if we'd asked during the year and were told that yes, we were forgiven. We were very careful to do this, we really cared.
It seems though, that people don't any more. Not really. A handful of people will ask, and maybe some of them mean it. What changed? Why when we are children, and our behaviour excusable, do we care so much that our friends might be hurt, but as adults, when every action really has an affect, are we ambivalent?
Is it so hard to forgive? Sometimes. Sometimes though we say we forgive, we don't, not fully. But it is the start. That is what we are being asked to do. Start the process, G-d will take care of the rest.
3 weeks ago
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