Is there a reason, by any chance, that you are vomitting so? I know it can not be a cry for attention, for I was paying you plenty of attention before you started this most frustrating of habbits. And it can not possibly be an attempt to get me to play with you, for, you might notice, not only was I playing with you before, but I ma now ratehr reluctant to do so. You see, Yarn, when you vomit as you have been doing, it is not only very difficult to wind and therefor knit you, but it also gets you all knotty and full of fiber snags. You don't want that do you? No, I didn't think so. Why don't you stop spewing your guts so we can go on as we were, good freinds from now till the end? It just frusterates me so when you act like this. You must know, I am sorely tempted to simply pack you up and not deal with you until we get to New York. This is simply not the kind of behavior I expect from a yarn of your character. It's not fitting.
3 weeks ago
Your yarn is vomiting? What a strange phenomenon...
ReplyDeleteNow, now my friend. Do not blame the yarn. It is after all your faithful playmate. Could it be that you have been a bit hasty pulling it out? Do not worry, if the worst comes to worst we will untangle it here together.
ReplyDeleteIt is strange, Sara, but sadly a fairly common occurrence.
ReplyDeleteIf only it were that simple Henya! It was vomiting while balling. Reballing caused it to come out of both ends. It's very sad, though, B'H not as bad as the one from the Candle Flame. I still haven't that one fixed yet, and now it must wait. Fixing this one shouldn't be too hard, but I might need to borrow your winder.