Friday, June 26, 2009

Gimmel Tammuz

It is hard for me, this day most of all. I never met the Rebbe. My father did, my brother did, though I doubt he remembers, he was just a few months old. But I never did. Finding a connection to the Rebbe is very hard for me, for this reason. True, one does not need to know the Rebbe to be connected to him, but, it helps.

I was too little to really understand what a Rebbe is, what he does, when he was physically here for us, and then I was too much a rebel to care. Now, I'm at a loss. Intellectually, I know there is still a connection, but it so very hard to feel it.

Maybe that's the point.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Truer Words

An interesting quote came to my attention today. 'In physics the truth is rarely perfectly clear... Hence, what is not surrounded by uncertainty cannot be the truth.' said Richard Feynman. And I dare say, he was on to something much more profound than he may have realized.

G-d is above all else True and beyond knowing. We strive to understand and connect to Him daily, yet we know that no matter how hard we try, we can never really know His greatness, His wonder. He is the epitome of Uncertainty, in our eyes at least, and in every way, the ultimate Truth.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Full Brain

I have so many thoughts in my head that demand to be written. Yet, every night when I go to write them I find myself too tired and push it off to another day. The problem is, another day never comes and the thoughts remain in my brain, unwritten.

Sometimes I have time during the day which I use for other things, I must train myself to dredge up the thoughts at these times and write them. Else, ti will never happen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Politicaly Inncorrect

I often hear people making blanket statements regarding the nature of groups of people. I can not understand it, in fact it bothers me.

To say that terrorists are evil, animistic, disgusting, and whatever other negative adjectives is fine. It is true. To murder and destroy life simply because it exists with a different out look is inexcusable. It does not matter the upbringing of the person. It is wrong and horrid. The same holds for all human sufferings.

That is not to say though, that all members of a groups of people are terrorist. In fact, is is likley that the majority are not, but have radically different views from them. Terrorists by nature are extremist. Extremist are loud and do whatever it takes to insure that what they want done is accomplished. That includes suppressing all other opinions.

Our purpose in this world is to bring Mashiach. We do this by uplifting the world and making it a better place.Mashiach is peace. So we must have peace to have Mashiach. Labeling large groups creates fear and anger which leads to more violence. To say people are evil is counter productive to this end, unless they are. Most are not.

That is not to say that complete courtesy should be granted to murders, rapists and the like, Quite the opposite in fact, next to no courtesy should be given them. However, that another person shares a trait be it race, religion, skin colour, country of origin, or anything else does not mean they too will act in the same manner. Such thinking is falicous logic.