Thursday, December 10, 2009

The thing about Minnesota

It's cold.

Really, it is. Cold bordering on dangerous. Which is a slight problem as my mode of trasport is walking. Did I mention I work maybe a mile and a half from my abode? No? Oh, well I do.

However, remember that awesome job I have? It's even more awesome, because in weather like this, the boss himself will leave the store, to get me, so I can work. Yeah, awesome. You tell me if your boss would do that. I don't think so.

Only in Minnesota. Gosh I love this place.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I've Lost It

My brain, that is. With just a month to go, I’ve finally lost it. Things are getting done, mind, nearly all is, for that matter. And yet. This is regards to just general brain function, let’s not even talk about my knitting.

Okay, lets. The gartle is very slowly growing, near half way done now. That’s only because I take it to work and work on it during break, or in the car. My veil though? Not much farther then a month ago. First I ran out of beads, and then, well, it’s not that practical to work on beading rows when in transit. Thus I don’t get much work on it during the day. In the evening I am too busy with all the other things to do, or too tired/stressed to sit and knit.

I really hope that I’ll get these done in time, and that this isn’t going to become a pattern.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I've been gone. Busy. Running around, getting things done. Or at least, I'm told that's what's been happening. Truth be told, I have no idea. I can barely remember what I did yesterday. It's a good thing though. Not the forgetting, no that's still bad, but the doing and getting. It means I'm being productive, or something. There is so much more to do, and yet at the same time, nothing left. So contradictory, my life.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Busy, Tired, Needing Time

The title here really gives a good sum of life at the mo. Seeing as this is my last week round these parts I've been busy getting what needs done done, and seeing all the folk I'm leaving behind. All this has left me not just a bit tired. Of course, I have most done, but there is still more needed, and wanted, and just no time for it. Let alone to blog my thoughts on the mezuzahs I just bought, why I'm not okay with murder, but drugs are just fine, or the awesomeness of modern technology and how it lets me take R' Paltiel home with me.

All that being said, though it be only 2030ish, the tired is winning out over my need to post, see and do. Thus, I bid you all, Good Night.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's About Tolarance

I do believe I have discovered the quintessential difference between Midwesterners and East Coasters. Well, at least as regards to temperature change.

On the East Coast, as soon as the temperature out side begins to become slightly uncomfortable on the cold side, one may even say chilly, coats are brought out of hiding. Scarves are donned, hats and mittens fluffed, and all the world bundled in woolly goodness.

Quite to the contrary, in the Midwest when the winds get cold, we merely don a sweater or two. Not untill at least the first snow are the heavy coats found. Even then, as it is well known that just as suddenly as the snow came, so shall it depart. True, we may be a bit sniffly at first, but a tolerance is built as the months go by allowing us to be quite comfy in but a simple coat during what some term, the White Months of Death. After all, they only make coats so warm, one must manage with what they can get.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ends Justify Means

There is a debate in Gemara as to what was first in regards to creation, Jews or Torah. It says that Hashem looked in the Torah and created the world, so one would assume that is obviously Torah. However on closer examination, one will note that Torah is, so to speak, pointless without Jews. With no one to follow it's laws it's being is unnecessary. Thus it must be that first came the Jews, and then the Torah.

Similar to this is all of creation. The ultimate thing for which we are striving is Daas Hashem Bilvad, complete saturation of the world in G-dly, and G-dness. That being the case, one would wonder why the whole thing with the Sin happened. At that time, there was no unG-dliness. Obviously, there must be another dimension to it. It is learned that Adam's sinning was in order to increase the power of his avoda by introducing the contrast of evil to the ultimate good that was in existence.

So to, in order that all things truely see and know G-d, there must be something non-G-d, so to speak. Thus, after years of persecution will be Mashiach times in which all will be revealed. In order for that to be, there must be the persecution which will lead to the understanding. For there to be persicution, there must be persecutors, for there to be persecutors, there must be disharmony. For disharmony to exist, the perfection of the Garden can not be where humankind abides. For humanity to be elsewhere in creation(aside from there being a need for there to be else in creation), somethign had to have been done to remove them. That thing was Adam sinning. For Adam to sin, aside from him needing to exist, so to did the object with which he sinned need to exist. Thus, Adams creation, and sinning, was all for the purpose that Mashiach would be able to come and all the worlds saturated with knowing G-d.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Tanz fete!

We all know the stories of old. Governmental authorities doing everything in their power, and then some, to prevent even the slightest show of religion. Doubly that of Judaism.

Today though, all this week, in fact, in the city of Brooklyn, New York, of the United States of America, this old tradition has not merely been stopped, it has been reversed. That is to say, instead of preventing us from celebrating G-d, the authorities are in fact helping.

Entire streets are blocked off in order tat we, simple Jews, may take over, and dance. This, is what Succos is about. The joy, and the unity of all peoples, simply rejoicing in G-d.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Be Wery Wery Quiet....

I reside near a rather busy street. Or what used to be one. Of late it has been very quiet. Not only here, but through out the Hieghts. Not mearly when counting decibles either. There is an air of quiet. One would think just the oposite, what with all the extra bochrim and Israelis. I can not help but wonder what's going on with this. Not that I'm complaining, mind.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And Now, with a Hook

I knit. It is my craft, and my passion. It would be a rare day that I would be found with out sticks and string. Also rare is for me to forget my pattern. Alas though, such an event occurred today. I was lost, and alone. Two hours left of school, and not a thing I could do fiber-wise. With out my pattern, I could not go on, for it was time to start a new increase row. Alas, I sat.

But then, a thought occurred to me. The girl next to me crochets. We have much fun with our fibers in class. At that moment though, she was not using her hook. Borrowing it, and some yarn, I discovered that yes, I still remember how to chain. After some time playing with it, and reviewing what could be done, I came up with this lovely thing.

Fetching little hat, no?

I don't know that it is done yet, nor what I shal do with it, but it is much fun. I think I will make a larger, head-sized one, provided I can remember what I did.

A slight problem though, as now I want to work on this hat thing, but must work on my veil, else it shan't be done. A dilema!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


When I was in elementray school, we were taought about Yom Kipper. That it is a day of forgiveness and repentance. THat G-d forgives us for everything we have done wrong, because He loves us. We were also told that one can only forgive the wrongs done to them, not others. Thus, any hurtful thing we may have done to our friends, or any of the human race must be forgiven by them. G-d doesn't have that power(He does, but that's another post.) We had to ask our friends to please forgive us. Even if we'd asked during the year and were told that yes, we were forgiven. We were very careful to do this, we really cared.

It seems though, that people don't any more. Not really. A handful of people will ask, and maybe some of them mean it. What changed? Why when we are children, and our behaviour excusable, do we care so much that our friends might be hurt, but as adults, when every action really has an affect, are we ambivalent?

Is it so hard to forgive? Sometimes. Sometimes though we say we forgive, we don't, not fully. But it is the start. That is what we are being asked to do. Start the process, G-d will take care of the rest.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fashonably Late

At a farbrengin this past week, I heard an interesting observation. Mashiach, as we all know is a very religious Jew. The most religios, one could say. And, as everyone knows, we Jews have a pentiont for being 'fashinobly late'. You all know the joke about the yekki that married a Lubavitcher...

Well, with all these observations combined, we can learn out that Mashiach is just doing what Jews do. Therefore, if we would stop being late, more over, on time, maybe he'd get here already.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blogger Adventures

Hung out with Sarabonne tonight. Adventures ensued.

Too much water + wonky oven = cake-y brownies


I am...Gustave.

In other news, I suspect I am allergic to New York.

Just Doctor

Yossi tagged me in one of those silly fun meme things. I don't normally do them, but, he thought I would come up with something crafty or creative. Little does he know...MWAHAHAAHAAH

Really though, being the compleate nerd that I am, I've given much thought over the years as to what super power I would have, would I be able to choose. Flying was a thought, what with it being so useful. The ability to go anywhere, on a whim is very tempting. The problem is though, that it is so limited. You can only fly so much before you get tired. Even Superman had to take a break sometime.

All in all, I've vetoed most of the common powers, for various reasons of impracticality, Speed, various forms of vision, excretions of an awesome and helpful nature, communications with nonhumanoids, you know all those fun things.

No, were I to be bitten by a radioactive insect and given the abilities to save the world, I would have to say that of all things, I would like to have the power to Lord over Time. Not in the traditional sense, mind. Not either of them for that matter. Rather, more a combination of the two. By this I mean the ability to see Time as it is, for what it is, and all the possibilities it can present, as well as the means to see as it was, with out affecting what is.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Crowd Goes Wild

Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellows and Friends,

We are gathered here today, at this most auspicious hour to crown ourselves a King. Not just any king will we crown though, for we are a stiff necked people, and our king must be kind and tolerant, loving, and just. This King whom we have chosen for ourselves is all these and more. The attributes possessed by this King are astounding and overwhelming, completely inconceivable in their awesomeness.

Our King who has wondered amongst us for the last month, free to all, has now come forth to take rightful place as Ruler of all things. Join me now, brothers and sisters as we crown our King, The L-rd G-d, Master of the Universe, for now, and all eternity! And let us together say, Amen.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Black Coats are Coming

Crown Heights is, by nature, a crowded place. A place full of people, Jews and non of all types. Now though, as Tishri comes, the holiest month of the year, many flock to see what's to be seen, and enjoy the festive atmosphere that can be found nowhere, but here. The crowded streets, the multilingual conversations. These and more draw in a crowd. More so then these 770 is a magnet for a strange and unique group. They flock in from all parts of the world, all different, and all the same. Here they come with the hopes of gaining insight and spirituality from the very streets and seats used by Chassidim through the years. They fill the streets in droves seeking food and longing, if need be, carrying their own sleeping utensils. They are...Bochrim! Multiplying by the minute, fueled by pizza, they farbreng till dawn!

Tishri, when Penguins Attack!
Coming now to a street near you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ani Ma'amin

Belief is an interesting thing. We all believe in G-d, at least we think we do. But what does it really mean? Rabbi Paltiel defined belief for me as accepting as true something that is beyond our comprehension. In this simple way, yes we do believe in G-d. We accept that G-d is. But shouldn't there be something more, a deeper belief, something stronger than simple acceptance?

English, I think does not have a good word to describe what it is that we feel/know about G-d. It is more then belief, it is faith and a heartfelt understanding that He is here, and is in charge.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fear the Yarn!

Yarn and Boro Park, apparently don't mix. Or maybe they do, just not in this way.

I went dress hunting, and as I am making my veil, it's rather vital that the one match the other, veil-side first. I've already started it, you see. Well, the Boro Parkers didn't see. That is to say, they saw, but found it the most baffling, insane concept in the history of knish.

Have you every tried to explain to a Boro Parker that yes, it will match, and yes, I am doing this, and no, you can't change my mind? All while surrounded by maybe seven of them, while wearing a big poofy white dress, and laughing? No, I didn't think you had, I have though, and it was fun.

Of course, there was the one women who knits(backward, mind you) who insisted I show her how I'm doing it, and teach her the stitch. She knit a gartel for her husband you see. Email addresses where exchanged, and more hilarity ensued.

All in all though, after handing over a piece of paper statign they can take my money, I left with a most awesome dress, and headed out for some ice cream.

A very good end, to an otherwise rather fantastic day.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Back in the Hieghts

I've forgotten how busy it is here. There is so much to do, so many people to see, and not nearly enough time to do it all.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

In sickness and in health


Is there a reason, by any chance, that you are vomitting so? I know it can not be a cry for attention, for I was paying you plenty of attention before you started this most frustrating of habbits. And it can not possibly be an attempt to get me to play with you, for, you might notice, not only was I playing with you before, but I ma now ratehr reluctant to do so. You see, Yarn, when you vomit as you have been doing, it is not only very difficult to wind and therefor knit you, but it also gets you all knotty and full of fiber snags. You don't want that do you? No, I didn't think so. Why don't you stop spewing your guts so we can go on as we were, good freinds from now till the end? It just frusterates me so when you act like this. You must know, I am sorely tempted to simply pack you up and not deal with you until we get to New York. This is simply not the kind of behavior I expect from a yarn of your character. It's not fitting.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What is religion? Is it a state of being, a way of life, a form of organization perhaps? In some ways it is all of the above. At least that is how it has found it's self these days.

Originally though, at it's core, religion is a search. It's a hard question, buried in tradition and seemingly archaic lifestyles, but for all true believers it is the same one. What is the meaning of it all, why are we here. Though I hate to admit it, 42 just isn't the answer.

Religion shows us that it's not about me, not even about us for that matter. There is something more, bigger and greater than all this and that, that is what it's about. All those inconvenient, archaic traditions? Those are just there to help us tap into the fact of it all.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Overwhelming weekend, I should say. Rambler and I have decided to get married.

It's an interesting and exciting thought. In just a few months time my life will be nothing as it ever was before. I can't quite say yet what my thoughts on the mater are, though I am quite excited, and just a bit overwhelmed.

The mass texting is starting to get to me as well, which in the regard why is it that the first thing every one asks is when the wedding is? Is this something we are supposed to have decided the very day we get engaged? I think not. Give us time to plan people! Also, why are the female members of the population much more into the mass mazel toving than the male? It's interesting to ponder.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Reverse SSS

There is a common phenomena amongst knitting folk called Second Sock Syndrome, or the intense dislike of making the second sock of a pair. There are many reasons for contracting this horrid disease, the underling cause oft is unknown.

In my case though, I have not Second Sock Syndrome, I am enthralled with the second sock. In fact I so much prefer it to the first I would like to be rid of it(the first sock that is.)

This first sock has given me so much greif, and though it clames to be done, it's not. Far from, in fact. First was the problem of the foot being to short, and the heal being wrong, and having to redo that twice. Now I finally did get all the leg done, with the funky lace bit going up the side, though you can't really see it in pictures. And still, it refuses to be done. There is the problem that calves are a bit thicker around than ankles, so it's a bit snug round those parts, but it will work. Except around the cuff.

I worked a rib in an effort to prevent problems to no avail, so out that had to go. Let me tell you, it is rather bothersome to take out a sew bind-off on a 3x3 rib done on US1, but did it I did. The needles were increased to US5 thinking that would work, and it did, the cuff fit much better. Until the bind off. It was still too tight, though less so than before. Out again. This time I shall increase every other stitch i think and use the standard bind-off. Maybe than it will work.

If not, well, I don't know what to do. I don't want to cut off Miss Death's circulation, but...

The second sock though, it is coming along wonderfully. The foot is just about done, needing only an inch or so more, less I think. Moreover I'm liking the pooling of the colours much better on this one. They are rather more stripy unlike the first which is a splotchy diagonal blob. Hard to describe, I'll have to add pictures later. Point is, the second sock is very awesome.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Has It Come To This?

There I was sitting on the plane knitting a sock to the tunes of some good old fashioned chassidishe musser when I looked up and the guy across the aisle is reading the paper. Fairly typical. However, the headline? 'I had a meeting in the Bath.' Now, I admit that I did not read the article, so can't say for sure, but I think it is a safe guess that it had something to do with the middle aged women whose picture was prominatly dispayed having some form of meeting whilst submersed in that vital fluid of life we call water.

And I wonder, is this what our society has come to? The headline article of a section of News is regarding ones feeling free enough to meet people in the nude? Are there not enough other more homely things to talk about in the Home section of the local paper? Are there not things about which people care more? Is there a reason people care about this?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

If Not Now, When?

Thunder calling on this day
Horns are blowing, come this way
From tears to laughter
Why must we wait
Give us now what we are after
An end of suffering and hate
Now is good for all and one
Please we beg, Your will be done.

Some Art

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Sitting outside earlier, there was an ant wondering around with one antenna. Poor thing couldn't quite find it's way, though it knew where it wanted to be. It ended up going around in circles, though slowly making it closer to it's destination. Eventually it did get there, but it took time, and considerable effort.

As I watched this, I could not help but think how like this ant we are, trying always to reach the goal, striving to be close to Hashem and do what is right. Yet, we have but one antenna, limited senses and we get side tracked. Eventually though, we do make it, we keep trying and we do.


Mitzvot are like potato chips. You can't have just one.

A Complicated Game We Play

Everything is made up of rules, and can be broken down to those rules. Most things have concrete rules and it is clear when they are broken. Other things do not. One such thing is the rules which govern social interaction. They are, by far the most complex and convoluted rules in existence. So much so that it is nearly impossible, at times, to know if one has been bent, broken, or in fact followed as it should be. More often than not major consequences, either positive or negative, will result.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The power of Shema

Have you ever woken from a dream so real, so terrifying that you could not believe such a thing could exist in your psyche? It's rare. And yet, such a thing has happened to me. Such is the power of saying kriyas shema. To forget is deadly.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What's Tater, Precious?

How many people ever think about what the potato? Very few, I should think. It is though, a most amazing plant.

Not only are there a plethora of potato types, but the growth process is astoundingly simple. A poato can be grow from a piece of another potato. Alternatively they, like all plats, have seeds. The amazing thing about their seeds though is the pouch in which they are formed/stored is toxic. They are in a vertual safe haven, neer to be desturbed until the time comes when they are ready to fall and rot in the ground, soon to grow to new plants. Environmentally, they don't need much, just some dirt and water, and even that is subjective to the type.

Though everyone always talks about the carb content of the tuber, they in fact contain nearly a daily dose of all essential vitamins and minerals. It's said that one could like on milk and potatoes and be rather healthy, thank you very much.

What's more, there are so many ways to eat a potato, mash em', fry 'em, stick 'em in a stew, eat them with fish and chips, to quote a few. There are endless ways to eat a potato on it's own, and when you start adding in other things, the sky really is the limit.

As for the Great Potato Famine, well, the cause? A lack of potatos. One of the main causes of potato death, aside from insufficient nutrition, is improper genetics. And if you only have one potato type that your mixing up there in Ireland, well, think hemophilia and other such type things in the Royals. It's not always so pretty.

Death aside, if there is any plant more amazingly G-d given, I can't think of it. Not now at any rate.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Sometimes, you just want a cookie. It's a problem, because those are always the times that you don't have cookies. Especially if you are like me and don't often eat such things and so don't have them hanging around. Well, eitherway, cookies are wanted.
And when cookies are wanted, oft one doesn't want to mess around with measuring things out and messing up the kitchen to make them. Which, I didn't. Also, who wants to deal with maths of reducing a recipy if all you want is a few cookies?

So, easy way. Dump a bunch of cookie stuf in a bowl, mix it up a bit,

And before you can sing C is for Cookie, eight tasty cookies ready for consumption. No chocolate chips though, the only ones at hand were the not-so-semi-sweet that are great for eating with raisons, but not so good in cookies. Also, they don't melt well.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

String Knots

String Knots: So easy, all you need is string.

This game needs a minimum of one player and can be played with a maximum of 500, based on the amount of strings you have.

Setup: Spread a hand out in such that there is a large space between each finger. Wind the string around each finger in an alternating manner, in front of the thumb, behind the index and so on. Do this until the fingers are half covered.

Play: The goal is to make as many knots as possible while at the same time being able to unwind them.

To do this you must take the bottom loop of a finger and move it to the top of another finger while simultaneously moving the middle loop from that finger to the first finger.

The faster this is done the more points are earned.

If a loop falls, a penalty must be played. Penalties can consist of anything from a dance to dishes, but must begin with the letter D.

Once all loops have been moved, remove the mass from the fingers and begin to untangle it. You have three hours.

Expounding a Bit

If you sort through the nonsense, you can see an apparently unintended point in TRS's most recant post.

We spend so much time fretting about The Future, trying to insure that it will be all that it can be, and more. Yet as The Future comes closer and closer it turns out that it is exactly the same as The Present, and in fact The Past, albeit with a bit more people. So, of course this must not be The Future, so life goes on as The Present with more hopes for The Future, and yet ever worsening music.

The thing is though, we have been doing this nearly forever. The real question about The Future is not so much what will it be like, rather, will we ever get there, and will we recognize it when we do.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


There is a profound beauty in walking amongst nature, rivers, prairies and such like. They have about them an air of timelessness. Every rock, each grain of sand has been in that place, or one close to it since the world was created. There is a feeling of Oneness. Such feelings do not exist in 'man made' parks. They were not there for all time. True, they have a peace about them, but it is a different peace. Walking along a river, it is beyond peaceful, it is G-dly.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Working not-so-Stiff

My job is what most think as unimportant. More than that, many would find it boring and menial. I though, adore it. I could not wait to return to it after seven months leave. It is exciting, fast paced and central to the continual function of our society.

What is this job that seems so contrary? What is it that I do? I am a cashier at a grocer. It is a job of which I am extremely proud.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Running Thoughts

There are times that I sit, feeling thoughts half formulated running about my head. They are peaceful things, and I wonder if I will ever truly know what they are.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Gimmel Tammuz

It is hard for me, this day most of all. I never met the Rebbe. My father did, my brother did, though I doubt he remembers, he was just a few months old. But I never did. Finding a connection to the Rebbe is very hard for me, for this reason. True, one does not need to know the Rebbe to be connected to him, but, it helps.

I was too little to really understand what a Rebbe is, what he does, when he was physically here for us, and then I was too much a rebel to care. Now, I'm at a loss. Intellectually, I know there is still a connection, but it so very hard to feel it.

Maybe that's the point.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Truer Words

An interesting quote came to my attention today. 'In physics the truth is rarely perfectly clear... Hence, what is not surrounded by uncertainty cannot be the truth.' said Richard Feynman. And I dare say, he was on to something much more profound than he may have realized.

G-d is above all else True and beyond knowing. We strive to understand and connect to Him daily, yet we know that no matter how hard we try, we can never really know His greatness, His wonder. He is the epitome of Uncertainty, in our eyes at least, and in every way, the ultimate Truth.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Full Brain

I have so many thoughts in my head that demand to be written. Yet, every night when I go to write them I find myself too tired and push it off to another day. The problem is, another day never comes and the thoughts remain in my brain, unwritten.

Sometimes I have time during the day which I use for other things, I must train myself to dredge up the thoughts at these times and write them. Else, ti will never happen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Politicaly Inncorrect

I often hear people making blanket statements regarding the nature of groups of people. I can not understand it, in fact it bothers me.

To say that terrorists are evil, animistic, disgusting, and whatever other negative adjectives is fine. It is true. To murder and destroy life simply because it exists with a different out look is inexcusable. It does not matter the upbringing of the person. It is wrong and horrid. The same holds for all human sufferings.

That is not to say though, that all members of a groups of people are terrorist. In fact, is is likley that the majority are not, but have radically different views from them. Terrorists by nature are extremist. Extremist are loud and do whatever it takes to insure that what they want done is accomplished. That includes suppressing all other opinions.

Our purpose in this world is to bring Mashiach. We do this by uplifting the world and making it a better place.Mashiach is peace. So we must have peace to have Mashiach. Labeling large groups creates fear and anger which leads to more violence. To say people are evil is counter productive to this end, unless they are. Most are not.

That is not to say that complete courtesy should be granted to murders, rapists and the like, Quite the opposite in fact, next to no courtesy should be given them. However, that another person shares a trait be it race, religion, skin colour, country of origin, or anything else does not mean they too will act in the same manner. Such thinking is falicous logic.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Elephant Tree

So many names on this Elephant Tree
Old nearly ancient, majestic and tall
A mark carved for love, lasting and strong
These are scars to bare proudly,
The deep gutted things
For in part though it's painful
The essence is gold

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Comfy Toes!

As has been mentioned, I have been knitting socks for Miss Death. Well, the toes of the first sock are complete and are very comfy. I don't say this lightly either. I am very particular about things that go on my feet, or anywhere for that matter. These socks though are very soft and ever so comfy. It's due I think to all the alpacas the put in them. 25 in each. *nod* Very soft.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Oncoming Storm

The wind that begins rustling through the leaves like a huge instantaneous puff of air, it is there for but a moment before the complete silence returns., The trees shuffle slightly, so serene. Again that shuffling sound is heard, though this time, with the slight pitter pat. A drizzle has started, but like the wind it is short lived, barely reaching the ground. In the distance can be heard the drums of someones party; they just add to the affect. Again, the wind and drizzle move the leaves. The patrons of the path wary of the eminent wetness begin to head back to their relative abodes when distantly a roll of thunder can be heard. It is slight and nonthreatening, but nonetheless the birds begin to discuss the options and merits each posses. More tree rustles and thunder continues after each the trees move. Soon, Now here's the big. The birds begin to wonder as to their relative safety as the thunder is getting louder and closer. The trees continue to shimmy now dropping bits of excess leaf. As to the rest of us, we sit, and await the rain.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Shabbos Effect

Kingston Avenue. Main street of the Jewish quarter, you could not find a busier street if you tried. Not in this part of New York. Week long the sidewalks are crowded with people; bochrim rushing to yishiva, men to kollel, women with carriages out for a bit of sun, doing the shopping, and everyone shcmoozimg. The street is packed with cars, the horns blaring, no-one has patiences, everyone is in a rush.

Come sundown Friday, the place is changed. The shops are closed, there is peace. People walk slow and calm, no rushing, no pushing. It's Shabbos. The street is empty but for a few lone cars passing through. The transformation is astounding.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Socks and Crime

I am not generally a people person. As such, last week was rather stressful and overbearing for me, having had more than normal interaction everyday due to birthdays, holidays and engagements. That is not to say I did not enjoy the week, because I did. It is just that it was a bit much. So, when Shabbos came around, after some more, quite fantastic interacting, I stayed in and read a book. It was good times, and provided for a much needed escape from human kind.

What this has to do with the subject in the title of this entry I am sure you are wondering. Well, frankly it doesn't. That is all about Sunday, when both of the above were done. And let me tell you, it was GLORIOUS!

As previously mentioned there were birthdays last week. One of those being my roommate who got married(forthwith and forevermore to be called MRWGM, or CRS as the mood strikes me.) As such, a great scheme was schemed where in I and some others broke into her apartment and cooked her dinner. Though, we didn't actually break in as her husband gave me the key, but still, the concept is the same. It was a huge success and she was shocked speechless and extremely happy.

However, before all of that I went over to Knitmammy's where the depths of yarn were talked and socks were taught. I explored her newly acquired stash from the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival, which is utterly astounding and amazing. Tis a sad thing I did not go, as the more I hear about it the more I find I would have enjoyed it. Alas, I felt I had not the money, and I am probably right. Had I gone, I would have spent much more than I reasonably should. However, Knitmammy is much too kind to me and gave me a most lovely gift. I know have a beautiful skien of variegated polyester fuzz, for which i have many ideas.

As well, I now know how to make socks from the toe up, and so have begun a pair of Wicked Evil Socks for a Stepmotherless Witch. Miss Death the sock addict loved the colours, and well, I just couldn't resist.

Though, upon seeing me work on the sock I have been reasked for a giraffe. So I suppose I should get to that. I might just use the Doctor Who yarn, I'll have to check the gauge though.

I did end up oversleeping this morning, waking from a dream in which I was swimming in fibers and knitting up socks. It made for a very restful sleep, but sadly not enough time to steep a pot of tea before school.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Cotton Gin Was So Cool, Too.

I think I am not a huge fan of cotton. Really, I think that is way it is taking me so bloody long to knit this. Stupid cotton. I mean, it's nice and all, but really, does it have to be so unsmooth and noncuddly?

Musical Musings

Last night I watched Virtuoso, an episode of Voyager about a technologically advanced race who had never encountered music. The Doctor is more then happy to introduce them to the concept. The Qomar are fascinated by the mathematics of music and song and spend much time inciting the Doctor to sing for them.

Today I was in the subway and there happened to be a man playing an electric violin. It was absolutely beautiful.

Music is, as the Qomar say, essentially mathematics. But there is something so much more to it. Music is deep and enticing. It speaks to the soul, it comes from the soul. Math, while beautiful and wondrous is cold and fixed(abstractions and number arbitration not withstanding.) The two, math and soul, fixed and flowing, combine and, when done properly, create the most beautiful sounds in existence. Music without soul is not music at all, it is simply numbers.

Tree Thoughts

It is not just the beauty of the trees that has me excited. I adore nature, crave it even. It makes me happy.
But there is something deeper about it that I find almost hard to explain. Walking amongst trees, or in a's peaceful and relaxing. More than that, it's wondrous. This is the world G-d created, unadulterated by man, simple and pure. Within the trees, there is no evil.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Knitting Keeps Me Sane

For as long as I can remember I have been fidgety. In order to concentrate in school, not that it was a conscious thing, I would play with Silly Putty. When i did not have it, I had other things, ticky-tak, gum, pencils, all manner of things that I would roll through my fingers and knead. That's always what I did, moved my fingers back and forth between my thumb.
It wasn't only in school for concentration, actually that was a minor bit. When nervous or uncomfortable, I would knead my fingers and wring my hands in full force. Neighbor could always tell where I sat at the table, even if she didn't see me, because of the holes in the plastic from when I stuck my fingers through.
Eventually the Silly Putty disappeared, much to my annoyance, and it was hard to replace. Though at this point I had started wearing my hair up. As such, I had hair ties on my wrist often so I could put it up when the need arose. The binders also proved extremely useful for my nerves, and soon I started wearing two, one for my hair, and one for my fingers. I was never with out at least one, and often people would come to me wanting to borrow it. Still happens, in fact.
Then, I learned to knit. Knitting has been the best thing for me, It literally keeps me sane. I have been calmer, both in regards to hyper activity and nerves since I started. It is also a super productive means of fidget. As well, thanks to knitting, I discovered all this about my nervousness and fidgeting.
Now, I rarely go anywhere with out my knitting. I do still wear a hair binder though, and use it, if rarely for my hair.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well, it's spring here in New York, and those of us from Minnesota all know what that means. Yes, that's right, construction! They do things a bit differently here though. For one, the day before they rip up a street a sign is put up informing the citizens that there will be no parking on said street the next day, which is a rather clever idea, don't you think? The only problem witht that is that people don't have places to put there cars, so they still park them on the street when they come home at night. Which means there is just one thing to be done. At six o'clock in the morning the police or construction crew, I'm really not sure which, comes up the street with a bull horn informing everyone that today is the day we have all be waiting for, the wondrous construction, and would you please move your car. They do this for a bit, and leave. Then come back and do it again. Today, I am sure I heard one of them say around 0730 'Alright guys, it's time to get up! Move it!'.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Dream

He had a dream. A dream that one day boys and girls, men and women, children of all ages will sit together, learning and singing. A dream that one day these people will march together to the holy city of Jerusalem and prey, praising G-d, our G-d the great and merciful Creator of all things. There on the mountain sits a majestic palace in which lives the greatest King of all, ruling in peace a united nation. He dreamed of a land where there is no war, no hate, no hunger; a land in which people live together in peace and prosperity. But he could not achieve this alone. He needs each person, each one of us to do our part. He knew the steps, the great and small, knew that there was a job for each.

The dream is Moshiach, the dreamer is the Rebbe, and the job is mine.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


little candle
silent flame
sits alone in darking night
steady forward, growing strong
one to the next
silent candle
little flame

Friday, April 03, 2009

Why SciFi?

Why scifi is something that I have been asked, and have pondered many times. Most often when people are asked this question they respond with something along the lines of a hope for a better tomorrow, or a need to believe in something more. For me, this is not quite the case.

While Science Fiction, in most cases, does give me a degree of hope for a better tomorrow, I find that with its aliens and apocalypses offer an unique view into the human psyche. Many genres tell us something about ourselves, though none of them with quite the depth as Scifi does. Horror's goal is to scare us, comedy to amuse. Drama is an attempt to portray a near lifelike situation. Scifi looks at why.

Science Fiction looks at who we are, where we came from, where we are going, and wonders why, how, what now? Every answer that the various authors and producers come up with tell us about us. The whole point of Science Fiction is to think, to explore the Human, not just entertain it. That is why I read and watch Scifi.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I dropped a stitch. Which, normally, whatever. But no. This had to be one of those weird complicated increase/decrease stitches of doom, four rows below my working row. So I have absolutely no way to pick the darned things up and put them back where they belong. And of course, I hadn't moved my lifeline after I finished the last repeat so I have to take all of that out too.

And I was so excited to be working with the purple.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Did You Look at the Sky Today?

Based on Rabbi Pape

Clouds over Highway 100

Sh'ma. It's just a small word, nothing special. We say it everyday 'when we wake up and when we lay down' with out fail, but do any of us truly know what it is, what these three little letters really mean?

Typically translated as 'hear', the more archaic 'hark' rings closer to the truth. Soo Maaraya Aynaichem. Three letters, three words. Lift up your eyes. The word itself holds so much meaning just on it's own, but when put in context, we see much more.

Sh'ma Yisroel, Hashem Elokainu, Hashem Echad. Lift up your eyes, Isreal, Hashem is G-d, Hashem is one.

On the surface the words tell us the same as they do if translated the traditional way. But if we looking deeper there is a stronger message. Lift up your eyes, Israel. See the wonders of the world, the sun, the moon the clouds. Be awed by the beauty that is contained with in them, but know Hashem is G-d. Hashem is One, it is His greatness you are seeing. He alone has the power to create such things, and with out Him and His infinite kindness none of it(including us) would exist.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


May one go back in time and kill Hitler before the war?

If we were to throw out all SpaceTime Continuum issues, the question is doubly potent.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What is This Thing?

There is this amazing thing they have here in New York. There is a period of a few months where, for some reason, the weather takes a turn for the unexpected and pops out the most peculiar temperatures. These temperatures range anywhere from Winter to Construction When It's Really Warm, to Construction of Wow That's Hot. I'm told this is called 'Spring'. It's rather fascinating.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't cross in the middle, in the middle in the middle of the street.

Well, there I was, standing on the corner waiting for the light to change when someone walking past told me I could cross.
A gesture at the red LED hand on the monster, if you could call it that.
"Oh, they don't enforce that here in New York City, go ahead."
Stares I, aghast at the man. "But, you're a cop!"
A slight shrug.
"That's just wrong. On so many levels. Oh that is just wrong."
He shrugged again and continued on his way as I stood and waited for the light. When the light changed, I crossed and continued on my way, looking every so often across the street at Officer Paccolli with a shocked expression. About half way down the block, I just couldn't help it.
"Let me ask you something." I called over to him.
He walked over. "Yeah?"
"If they didn't enforce murder in New York City, could I go around killing people?"

The conversation continued, and in the end he wondered if I was a lawyer of some sort.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Journey is a Destination

It is interesting to watch people on the subway. Rushing to be sure not to miss the train and then standing impatiently on the side of the track as they wait for it to finally come. And then, when it does there is the mad pushing to get on and grab a seat. Fast as can be the eyes glaze over and the world is tuned out either through headphones, sleep or just drifting off. I'll admit I do it myself sometimes, listing to my headphones, sometimes you just crave music.

I can't help but wonder what these people are thinking as the sit there on the train, rushing from Point A to Point B. It's not only on the trains though, it's everywhere. When people walk, drive and fly. All of it, it seems so much of the time that there is a sense of Null Time when one travels from A to B.

But that is not the case. There is Time. More then Time there is Beauty, People, Things. Riding on the bus does not have to be time used to study, but one can look out the window, or at the people and see the wonder of the world, and He that created it. Just going somewhere is a destination of it's own.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Knittyish Post

Last night during Intermission of the production, whilst scrambling around to change I discovered, much to my annoyance, one of my purple paper clips had fallen off my needle. Well, everyone of course thought I was crazy as I went off searching for a purple paper clip. They did not understand, all but one women who was part of an event in the next room. She understood my plight of having to use a blue paper clip.

You see, rather then buy spendy stitch markers, I opt for the equally pretty multicoloured paper clips, which work just as well if not better, Not only are they less expensive, but they are disposable as well. Well, I hear you say, if they are so disposable, what was with the fretting? I'll tell you. I was at production, and only on stage for a short period of time, which means, KNITTING! That and I was to knit in one of the scenes, anyway. Now, I could just go and grab a new purple paper clip from my iPod Case-O-Knitting, however, there were none. I used the blue one, but as soon as I got home switched it for a purple one. All is right with the world again.

Back to the women who didn't think I was crazy. A fellow knitter! Usernames were exchanged, and I am now in touch with her, and hopefully through here some other locals. Wooo.

And now! What you have all been waiting for! ...Yeah, not feeling *that* dramatic, it's really not that exciting. Let me tell you about the Candle Flame Shawl.

I started over again. Now, before y'all gasp and flail, breath. It's no big, really. I know you probably don't believe me, due to my last post on the subject, but it's the truth. I think the reason I was so frustrated before was not the fact of my work being for naught, because really, I don't feel that it was, rather it was that I was attempting to learn all the new stitches, the maths of them and could not get it to work. However, now that I understand it and it works, It doesn't bother me that I need to go back. I was only one and a half repeats in anyway. As well, I wasn't so happy with the whole border thing, it looked odd to me, so I edited it a bit. Much happier now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

We Raise Up Our Voices, the Whole World Rejoices

There is an amazing thing about Shabbos that really can not be defined. They day has a peaceful presents to it which seems to penetrate to the core of being. It is more than just a day of rest, of not doing anything. There is a healing and restorative power to this great day.

Often the week leaves a person stressed and altogether not themselves, and up until the moment of licht the feelings remain, but once it is licht, Peace and another unnamed thing wash over leaving one clear and whole again. By the time the day is over, there is nothing left of that harshness that was. Sometimes, it only lasts for the day and once havdala is said the feelings are back, but more often the calmness and clarity last.

It does not always work this way, but when it does, it is truly amazing, the best gift of all.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Logically Illogical

G-d wants us to know Him. But one can not know anyone if they are overcome by their greatness, so He hid Himself from us, in order that we may find Him and get to know Him and His greatness.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

All My Needles

The hour, near 1800, January 29 2009. Q sits preparing to knit. Step one, pull off the cute little point protector socks. When lo, a resounding snap is heard to echo through the room!(It actually did echo.) Looking down, the young knitter discovers, to her horror the tip of her needle has snapped right in half. A cry of shock an alarm emanate from her mouth, WOE! for she was truly doing so very well with this project of lace. Alas, to the great series of tubes she must venture and purchase for herself a new set in the hopes that it will arrive soon. For then, and only then, will she be able to take up, once again, this shawl of lace.

The good news is I bought all that other yarn, so I will not be with out knitting while I wait. The only question is, what shall I make?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reunion, a Day in the Life

Winter break, the best time of the year. Not because there is no school, but because it's time for the Family Reunion. Upon arrival at Bubby's there were cookies to be found in big Tupperware containers atop the china cabinet. If it's a cookie, you could find it, peanut butter, Oatmeal Raisin, Brownies, and of course the famous chocolate chip. Don't worry that they will run out, there are more in the garage(if the grandkids sleeping in there didn't eat them all for a midnight snack). And hey, Bubs will always pick a couple of grandkids and make more.
After cookies, it's bed time. But who's sleeping where with whom? After many minutes of arguing it always ends up the same, the little ones in the play room, #9 and #10 in the office, #1 and #4 in the Den, the boys in the garage. If we're all really quite, we can hear the adults playing Trivial Pursuit in the dining room.

When morning finally rolls around(not before 0800) Grampy can be found eating half a grapefruit and a bowl of shredded wheat with equal. There's a choice of sugar cereals for anyones taste on the second self of the pantry, and cookies for desert. If you want to read the paper, just make sure you put it back EXACTLY the way you found it, cause that's Bubby's paper.

What's to be done in the warm winter sunshine at Bubby's? Bike riding and tree climbing of course! Don't worry if you don't know how, #1 would be happy to teach you on the yellow banana seat. But you can't cross any streets. Fancy a climb in the tree? There's a chair on the porch you can use to climb up, but don't go too high, and take turns on the swing or you'll go inside. Or maybe football suits you better. The boys and Uncles have a game going in the street. Just make sure you close the door so as not to let the dog out.

Lunch is made of left overs, and of course cookies for dessert, but put your can of soda in a cup. After lunch maybe we'll colour with Grampy, or do a puzzle. There's all kinds of things to do to avoid the homework assigned of break. But don't worry about that, Uncle Lenny will write a note to your teachers.

After lunch we'll just hang out, maybe do art with Grampy, or play fetch with the dog, but everything stops at 3 o'clock for Beaver and Bonanza. Everything that is except making cookies or dinner.

After a delicious dinner of Lasagna(the trick is to spatula around the sides), or maybe Bert made chicken and biscuits, it's time for more cookies, or some other good desert. But only if your hands and plate are clean. And then let's all head into the den for sweatshirts, but first, sound-off!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Four rows, droped stitch

The most frustrating thing about knitting around people and messing up is how freaked and flailed they get when you take it out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lace, Take Four

Yesterday I finished the garter rows and started the cool lacy pattern bit. But..It was off, so I figured that I had cast on too many. Simple enough to take it out and do it again, which is what I did. Then today as i got to the lace bit I realized that no, the problem was that I had done the YO,K2Tog wrong and was actually YO, K1 K2Tog which of course would through it all off.

Well, onward I go doing it correctly this time, except now I have too few stitches. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I'm purling to many on the repeat or something. Either way, I set off take out the row in an attempt to do it again, when what should happen but a stitch drop. All the way to the bottom. So here I go, starting over, again.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm Broke

I went to the yarn store on Thursday. I was only going to get yarn for this next project, really. Its not my fault that, well. There is this funny thing about shopping, and yarn in particular. You find something that is just so very awesome, and you put it in your basket, and then you find another as you make your way to the counter. Well, by the time you actually make it to the counter you end up spending 140$. oops. But they are exciting yarns, see?

Wait...what was that in the that...Doctor Who Yarn?!!?!

It was just..there. With all the colours combined. I had to have it. Ideas of what I should make?

Anyway, I have started my new project, a fancy shawl. I had a couple of false starts with it, having all 97 stitches cast-on, and a row or two knit and then dropping the first cast-on stich. grrr. Vas-eva'

This is much different then the other things I did, not only because I'm using a flancy pattern, but it's lace. And you know what? It's slippery and does not want to stay wrapped on my finger nicely, cause it is so thin. But I think I am getting it.

Here's a question though. It says to garter stitch for 18 rows. Do I count the cast-on as one of those 18?

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I'm Qtap, and I'm a knitter.

Based on the evidence, I do believe I am addicted to knitting. See for yourselves and decide.

I learned to cast and knit a day or two before leaving for New York and have since learned to purl, and yarn over. I have made a scarf and baby blanket, and am working on attempting a headband. What am I doing right now instead of sleeping? Looking at a vid on how to do an SSK. I spent 70$ on needles, and am planing on taking a 25$ class on pattern reading. Not only that but I went out and purchased a new bag/purse what have you in order that I could carry my knitting with me, as my old one was not big enough to do so. Looking at my bookmarks bar, one would find a brand new folder labeled knitting full of blogs, and folders each for patters and yarn shops/sites, my email and computer also contain such folders.

That and I seem to knit left handed which is causing some difficulty in learning new stitches from a friend/classmate. I keep getting confused!!

ETA: This problem has been fixed by learning the stitch from her right handed, reviewing on and then taking it all out and doing it correctly via my left hand.