Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well, it's spring here in New York, and those of us from Minnesota all know what that means. Yes, that's right, construction! They do things a bit differently here though. For one, the day before they rip up a street a sign is put up informing the citizens that there will be no parking on said street the next day, which is a rather clever idea, don't you think? The only problem witht that is that people don't have places to put there cars, so they still park them on the street when they come home at night. Which means there is just one thing to be done. At six o'clock in the morning the police or construction crew, I'm really not sure which, comes up the street with a bull horn informing everyone that today is the day we have all be waiting for, the wondrous construction, and would you please move your car. They do this for a bit, and leave. Then come back and do it again. Today, I am sure I heard one of them say around 0730 'Alright guys, it's time to get up! Move it!'.

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