Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Busy, Tired, Needing Time

The title here really gives a good sum of life at the mo. Seeing as this is my last week round these parts I've been busy getting what needs done done, and seeing all the folk I'm leaving behind. All this has left me not just a bit tired. Of course, I have most done, but there is still more needed, and wanted, and just no time for it. Let alone to blog my thoughts on the mezuzahs I just bought, why I'm not okay with murder, but drugs are just fine, or the awesomeness of modern technology and how it lets me take R' Paltiel home with me.

All that being said, though it be only 2030ish, the tired is winning out over my need to post, see and do. Thus, I bid you all, Good Night.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's About Tolarance

I do believe I have discovered the quintessential difference between Midwesterners and East Coasters. Well, at least as regards to temperature change.

On the East Coast, as soon as the temperature out side begins to become slightly uncomfortable on the cold side, one may even say chilly, coats are brought out of hiding. Scarves are donned, hats and mittens fluffed, and all the world bundled in woolly goodness.

Quite to the contrary, in the Midwest when the winds get cold, we merely don a sweater or two. Not untill at least the first snow are the heavy coats found. Even then, as it is well known that just as suddenly as the snow came, so shall it depart. True, we may be a bit sniffly at first, but a tolerance is built as the months go by allowing us to be quite comfy in but a simple coat during what some term, the White Months of Death. After all, they only make coats so warm, one must manage with what they can get.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ends Justify Means

There is a debate in Gemara as to what was first in regards to creation, Jews or Torah. It says that Hashem looked in the Torah and created the world, so one would assume that is obviously Torah. However on closer examination, one will note that Torah is, so to speak, pointless without Jews. With no one to follow it's laws it's being is unnecessary. Thus it must be that first came the Jews, and then the Torah.

Similar to this is all of creation. The ultimate thing for which we are striving is Daas Hashem Bilvad, complete saturation of the world in G-dly, and G-dness. That being the case, one would wonder why the whole thing with the Sin happened. At that time, there was no unG-dliness. Obviously, there must be another dimension to it. It is learned that Adam's sinning was in order to increase the power of his avoda by introducing the contrast of evil to the ultimate good that was in existence.

So to, in order that all things truely see and know G-d, there must be something non-G-d, so to speak. Thus, after years of persecution will be Mashiach times in which all will be revealed. In order for that to be, there must be the persecution which will lead to the understanding. For there to be persicution, there must be persecutors, for there to be persecutors, there must be disharmony. For disharmony to exist, the perfection of the Garden can not be where humankind abides. For humanity to be elsewhere in creation(aside from there being a need for there to be else in creation), somethign had to have been done to remove them. That thing was Adam sinning. For Adam to sin, aside from him needing to exist, so to did the object with which he sinned need to exist. Thus, Adams creation, and sinning, was all for the purpose that Mashiach would be able to come and all the worlds saturated with knowing G-d.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Tanz fete!

We all know the stories of old. Governmental authorities doing everything in their power, and then some, to prevent even the slightest show of religion. Doubly that of Judaism.

Today though, all this week, in fact, in the city of Brooklyn, New York, of the United States of America, this old tradition has not merely been stopped, it has been reversed. That is to say, instead of preventing us from celebrating G-d, the authorities are in fact helping.

Entire streets are blocked off in order tat we, simple Jews, may take over, and dance. This, is what Succos is about. The joy, and the unity of all peoples, simply rejoicing in G-d.