Sunday, May 29, 2011

THe case of the missing placemats

I don't really understand how this happened, but two of my three milchig placemats have disappeared. They were last seen a few days before pasach, and since then no news. I thought I had put them away with all the tablecloths and placemats where they belong in the drawer, but nope, no where to be found. It's getting rather annoying.


  1. I have lots of things that have gone MIA since Pesach. My guess on when they would be found - Erev Pesach next year.

  2. the same thing just happened to me. we have a drawer for all of the placemats and table cloths and two of our plastic kids ones have dissapeared. we checked the dish washer, behind the drawer, all the drawers, all the cuboards and under everything.
